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As the summer of 2017 approached I realized that I would turn 77 on 7/7/17. I think my mother caused my fixation with the number seven. She always said I was born in the 7th month on the 7th day. And also, that it was on Sunday (the 7th day of the week) and it happened at 7 pm. As a result, I've always viewed the number 7 as my lucky number. So it seems with all those sevens coming up I can look forward to a special year.


I'm calling the twelve months from July 7, 2017 to July 6, 2018 my YEAR 77. I'm going to fill those twelve months with as many of my favorite things as possible, and I hope to do many of those things with friends and members of my family. I'll clear out what remains on my Bucket List and I'll repeat things that I really enjoyed doing in prior years (at least those things that I can still do). I don't view these activities as great achievements, just things that I enjoy. There are specific days and activities that hold Memories for me that I will write about, and I hope to add some activities where I give back to my community and do some good deeds.


I'm going to keep a diary of my YEAR 77 activities  and memories (accountants like to document things). I plan to summarize entries from my diary in the BLOG section of this website to share with my friends and family members who may be interested. And I'll try to publish some good photography. Comments and suggestions can be made using the box below or directly to me using


Ron Hadfield

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