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"Sooner or later we all quote our mothers"

-Bern Williams

"If you don't have your health, you don't have anything"

-June Hadfield

My mother passed away on August 5, 2002, which was her 85th birthday. She died of a massive stroke, caused by complications resulting from a fall. I retired from active employment before she died and Bonnie and I were able to spend a lot of quality time with her during her last several years. I think of her often and spend some solitary time on the anniversary of the day she left us to remember her and our good family life.

Mom wrote a poem and sent it to me on my 37th birthday. From this poem I realized why I had always thought of the number 7 as being lucky for me. She didn't make her living as a poet, but it was sweet of her to write it for me. Below is the poem she wrote (for those who may not know, my middle is Clair and that is what my mother always called me):

Some say there's noting special about a number, but 7 is special to me.

You see, on the 7th day of the 7th month, we had a baby wee.

In modern times we're told Sunday is the 1st of the week, but the Bible says Sunday is the 7th day, and a day of rest.

At 7 pm on Sunday (the 7th day) Clair arrived, and he really passed the test.

The year was 1940 then and it's 1977 now.

That means he's 37 -- Can this be true -- But how?

I have to stop and think and really can't believe, Clair now has Bonnie and daughters three.

So -- he's not a kid any more, but sometimes he's still little Clair to me.

The sevens have all piled up this year, the years seem to go so fast too.

But they've been good to Clair --- Happy Birthday to you!!

Photos below from left: Mom soon after her wedding day; Mom and three of her friends in the hot tub at our Park City condo (she had a good sense of humor and she sent me this photo saying it was the "Golden Girls"); Mom and I at the log cabin where she was born in Etna, Wyoming; Mom and Dad; and Mom and I at her condo in Providence.

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