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"You are never gone, when you live on in the hearts of others."

Over the years I have lost some of my best friends - usually by illness and eventual death. I think of them often and spend some solitary time on the anniversary of the day they left remembering all the good times we had. Ron Robison left us on September 3, 2012 at the young age of 73.

Ron and I were work associates, both starting our careers at the accounting firm of Ernst & Ernst and both moving on to Shareholders Management Company. At Shareholders we worked closely together, attempting to solve the "back office" problems that were plaguing the securities industry during the 1960s. We flew many "red eyes" to Boston and New York together and utilized the time on flights to work on company problems, but also to become very close friends. Ron was an excellent athlete and when there was time we ran, played tennis and skied together. I think of him often and miss the association we had.

Photos are from ski trips, a ride on motorcycles in Big Bear with Ron and his son, and a visit with Walt, Dale and Ron.

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