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This blog is not a Bucket List item - it is a "Serial Blog" and it will be updated and republished with a few of my favorite family photos on the 7th of each month.


"There are these girls that stole my heart - and they call me Daddy."

"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses

are family happinesses."

~Joyce Brothers

Favorites Photos for November:

Photos from the left: 1st two rows sequence: Jenny, Tracy Clair, and Heather.

3rd row - Heather, Jenny & Tracy; Tracy, Jenny & Heather; and Heather, Jenny & Tracy.

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“October had tremendous possibility. The summer's oppressive heat was a distant memory,

and the golden leaves promised a world full of beautiful adventures.

They made me believe in miracles.” ~Sarah Guillory, Reclaimed

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ---

and spiders!"

Happy Halloween!!

Favorites Photos for October:

Photos from the left: 1st row - Heather, Tracy, and Jenny.

2nd row - Matthew & Bekah, Meghan, Griffin and Curran; and Griffin

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If you teach your children nothing else,

teach them the Golden Rule and "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey."

~Robert Brault

Favorites Photos for September:

A few photos of my favorite grandkids - photos from left:

Curran and Matthew in Big Bear; Matthew and Curran hiking with me; Matthew and Curran at our McKinley home; Matthew taking a nap at our Grand home.

Matthew and I on a hike at Padua Hills; Matthew playing the guitar, Griffin showing some fancy footwork; Meghan and Bekah with me on a hike.

Bekah snowboarding at Big Bear; Meghan at Boston College graduation; Griffin at

kindergarten graduation; Griffin in Big Bear Lightening Tree.

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"Daughters do wonderful things.

Not the wonderful things you expected them to do.

Different things. Astonishing things.

Better than you ever dreamed."

~Marion C. Garretty

Favorites Photos for August:

Photos from the left:

1st row: Jenny, Heather & Tracy at Bear Lake; Jenny and her Grandpa Ron at Bear Lake; Heather doing a heel-click at Alta Vista living room.

2nd row: Jenny and Tracy relaxing at Bear Lake; Tracy lounging in a plastic pool instead of in Bear Lake; Heather bouncing on an inner tube at Bear Lake.

3rd row: First Curran, then Griffin, driving the boat with their Grandpa Ron at Big Bear Lake; an old family photo on a pontoon boat at Big Bear Lake - back row, Ron, Grandpa Ron, Michael and Dale - front row, Bonnie, Kevin, Desirae, Pam and Tracy - then Heather facing the group.

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Favorites Photos for July:

My favorite daughters a few years ago - photos from left:

1st row: Tracy & Jenny, Tracy & Jenny, Heather

2nd row: Spoke, Jenny & Tracy, Heather, Heather

3rd row: Tracy, Jenny & Heather, Jenny, Tracy & Heather, Tracy, Heather & Jenny

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