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This blog is not a Bucket List item - it is a "Serial Blog" and it will be updated and republished with a few of my favorite family photos on the 7th of each month.


"Friends are the family you chose."

~ Jess C. Scott

"A good friend knows all your stories.

A best friend helped you write them."

Favorites Photos for January:

My Zonk Friends are Family - Photos from left:

1st row: Ron, Bonnie, Covert, Barbara

2nd row: Grant, Finch, Mel, Linda

3rd row: Merlin, Susan, Walt, Bev

4th row: Ted, Dixie, Jon F, Maridee

5th row: Jack, Dee, Al, Dottie

6th row: Mary Ann, Nancy, Carolyn P, Betty

7th row: Carl, Jeri, Dennie, Alison

8th row: Robyn, Marilyn, Art H, Bill

9th row: Gary D, Nel, Art W, Connie W

10th row: Paul R, Geneal, Neil, Joan P

11th row: Mike N, Nanette, Chuck (the only "swearing-in photo"), Vanessa

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The group below was our Zonk "New Years" Family during the years we traveled to National Parks to celebrate New Year's Eve. This photo was taken in 2007 at the El Tovar Hotel at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.



"Three Wise Women

would have asked directions, arrived on time,

helped deliver the baby, brought practical gifts, cleaned the stable,

made a casserole, and there would be

Peace on Earth"

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six.

Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."

~Shirley Temple

Favorites Photos for December:

Family photos at Christmas: Photos from left: 1st row: Four family photos at Big Bear.

2nd row: The kids having Christmas breakfast at Monrovia home; Bekah opening a present; Meghan opening a present; Matthew opening a present.

3rd row: Curran opening a present; the family, including Clyde & Millie; Merlin and Tracy riding the tube at the Big Bear sledding hill; and Jenny and Matthew on the same hill on a toboggan.

4th row: Heather riding the saucer down Sylvan Glen; Tracy and Jenny on skis practicing for the "big hill"; and CeCe (Christmas Cat) with babies.

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"There are these girls that stole my heart - and they call me Daddy."

"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses

are family happinesses."

~Joyce Brothers

Favorites Photos for November:

Photos from the left: 1st two rows sequence: Jenny, Tracy Clair, and Heather.

3rd row - Heather, Jenny & Tracy; Tracy, Jenny & Heather; and Heather, Jenny & Tracy.

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“October had tremendous possibility. The summer's oppressive heat was a distant memory,

and the golden leaves promised a world full of beautiful adventures.

They made me believe in miracles.” ~Sarah Guillory, Reclaimed

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ---

and spiders!"

Happy Halloween!!

Favorites Photos for October:

Photos from the left: 1st row - Heather, Tracy, and Jenny.

2nd row - Matthew & Bekah, Meghan, Griffin and Curran; and Griffin

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If you teach your children nothing else,

teach them the Golden Rule and "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey."

~Robert Brault

Favorites Photos for September:

A few photos of my favorite grandkids - photos from left:

Curran and Matthew in Big Bear; Matthew and Curran hiking with me; Matthew and Curran at our McKinley home; Matthew taking a nap at our Grand home.

Matthew and I on a hike at Padua Hills; Matthew playing the guitar, Griffin showing some fancy footwork; Meghan and Bekah with me on a hike.

Bekah snowboarding at Big Bear; Meghan at Boston College graduation; Griffin at

kindergarten graduation; Griffin in Big Bear Lightening Tree.

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"Daughters do wonderful things.

Not the wonderful things you expected them to do.

Different things. Astonishing things.

Better than you ever dreamed."

~Marion C. Garretty

Favorites Photos for August:

Photos from the left:

1st row: Jenny, Heather & Tracy at Bear Lake; Jenny and her Grandpa Ron at Bear Lake; Heather doing a heel-click at Alta Vista living room.

2nd row: Jenny and Tracy relaxing at Bear Lake; Tracy lounging in a plastic pool instead of in Bear Lake; Heather bouncing on an inner tube at Bear Lake.

3rd row: First Curran, then Griffin, driving the boat with their Grandpa Ron at Big Bear Lake; an old family photo on a pontoon boat at Big Bear Lake - back row, Ron, Grandpa Ron, Michael and Dale - front row, Bonnie, Kevin, Desirae, Pam and Tracy - then Heather facing the group.

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Favorites Photos for July:

My favorite daughters a few years ago - photos from left:

1st row: Tracy & Jenny, Tracy & Jenny, Heather

2nd row: Spoke, Jenny & Tracy, Heather, Heather

3rd row: Tracy, Jenny & Heather, Jenny, Tracy & Heather, Tracy, Heather & Jenny

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