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"Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law."

~Hubert H. Humphrey

Bonnie's mother passed away on March 22, 1985 when she was only 75 years old. Lenore had not been feeling well during the summer of 1984 and in November she was hospitalized and diagnosed with “pre-leukemia.” In late February 1985 she was hospitalized again with significant pain, but they couldn't specifically determine what was wrong. Lenore was in the Teaching Hospital at the University of Utah and she was not at all happy with how she was being treated. She finally convinced them to let her go home where she could die in peace. It was an unhappy day. She was a fine woman and we all loved her. She was the first of our parents to leave us.

Both Lenore and Clyde, Bonnie's dad, were known for their wit, and their uninhibited way of talking. My favorite of all Lenore's sayings is when she was discussing the topic of moderation she would say, “There's a difference between scratching your ass and ripping it all to hell.” I think that is a very accurate definition. I didn't get a chance to know Lenore as well as I did Clyde, but I spend some solitary time on the anniversary of the day she left us to remember the good times Bonnie and I spent with she and Clyde. An interesting side-note is that Heather, who always wished she had a middle name, signs her emails "Heather Lenore Hadfield Daly".

In the photos below, Lenore is holding Jenny in the second one, with Tracy, Heather and June in the third, and showing her great sense of humor in the fourth one.

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