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"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant

I count hardly stand to have the old man around.

But when I got to be 21,

I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years."

~ Mark Twain

My dad passed away on April 23, 1995 when he was just 80 years old. I think of him often and spend some solitary time on the anniversary of the day he left us to remember him and our family life. He died from an accidental fall, and was in good shape to live a much longer life at that time. Dad served on the Logan City Police Force, in the Navy during World War II, and most of his career as Superintendent for the construction company J.B. Parson Construction. He loved Bear Lake and built a cabin there that his extended family and friends enjoyed and for which he will always remembered. Dad was an excellent carpenter and built the cedar chest shown below for his sister Myrl while he was in high school. Myrl kept it for over 60 years, then gave it to me before she passed away. I'll always treasure it.

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