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Today you are you. That is truer than true.

There is no one alive who is youer than you.

~Dr. Seuss

Don't get all weird about getting older.

Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!


For many years, going back to when we all still lived in the family home on Alta Vista in Monrovia, we have had a family lunch or dinner for the birthday of each family member. We always asked each of the girls where and when they wanted to go - hopefully a favorite place where they would enjoy the outing.

Heather's birthday is May 18th, and this year she selected to have the family gather for lunch at BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse in Arcadia on Saturday, May 19th. Sean's birthday is just three days before Heather's so he was included in the celebration.

Happy Birthday Sean & Heather !!

Everyone's busy schedule means we have a difficult time getting the full family together, but we had a pretty good turnout. Mike and Rob had to work and couldn't attend. Also, Meghan, who is living and working in Boston couldn't attend and Curran was in town but had a prior commitment. Our waitress Jazelle took good care of us and I think everyone enjoyed their meal. The Photos below were taken at BJ's during lunch. The first row is the group, then Griffin and Jenny. The second row is Tracy and Sean, then Heather and Bonnie. The third row is me and Bekah, then Bekah and Matthew.

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For dessert we had Pizookie, one of BJ's specialties. This dessert is a warm cookie with ice cream on top. The cookie's are way to rich, but good of course. Heather and Sean had special Pizookie's with birthday candles on top. I think everyone had a good time and wished Heather a happy 47th birthday and Sean a happy 49th birthday.

Some Heather Family Photos:

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Some Youth Activity:

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Other Fun Photos of Heather:

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