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This will be my last YEAR 77 Regular Blog - I will publish, however, one more blog which will be a recap of all the blogs published during my YEAR 77 with internet links for each blog linking them back to the Year 77 website.

MY REQUEST - My idea of publishing a 12-month personal journal for anyone to read may be viewed by many as a crazy thing to do. Please send me a brief comment of your reaction to my blogs this past year. I would appreciate any thoughts and comments, pro or con, that any readers could forward to me at Thank you!


This Final Wrap-Up Report includes the final six days of my YEAR 77 (i.e. 12 months from my 77th birthday on July 7, 2017 to July 6, 2018), plus a couple of related items that occurred after July 6th. Although a short period, I did have some fun bucket-list activities in early July.

First was a report on my plans for future volunteer activities to give back to my community, then a report on my program for Health & Happiness, and then Bonnie & I went to Big Bear for a fun evening watching the 4th of July fireworks with Dale & Pam. I also published a blog covering my 78th Birthday Harley Day-Ride, including a review of events of Year 77, and a blog covering the article I wrote that was published in the Harley Owners Group magazine.

In addition to these activities, I published blogs recognizing July Birthdays, Favorite Photos (this time publishing the most silly photos of me I could find), and a Final Updated Last Name Glossary.

This blog summarizes a few "non bucket-list activities" during this short period. I have also included a brief comment on a couple of future activities that will be fun.

Visiting with Family:

Breakfast with Dale- Dale was in Big Bear doing some work at his cabin over the 4th of July, so as usual when we're both in the mountains together, we went to breakfast. Since we weren't looking for a big breakfast, the Grizzly was not on our list. We ended up at Denny's where they have those good (and small) special breakfasts for seniors. We talked about all kinds of stuff and we also went to Veteran's Park and set up our chairs in a good spot to watch the fireworks later in the evening.

My Birthday- A few of my family members gathered at our home Saturday evening to celebrate my 78th birthday. I always think of my dad's comment about getting a year older - he would always say "It's better than the box." That's a true statement, but it's actually much better than that. I look forward to many fun years yet to come. Bonnie is also celebrating the end of all my Year 77 activities. Not that she was against the idea, but it's true that I wasn't available for much else during the last year except doing those activities and writing about them.

The girls set up a burrito bar for dinner and we all enjoyed a good meal and some fun conversation. Those that came were Mike, Jenny and Matt from the Stueve family, Tracy Clair from the Tracy Clair family (Dottie & Frankie stayed home), and Heather and Griffin from the Daly family. They, and Bonnie, give me birthday cards and gifts that were fun and much appreciated.

Miscellaneous Other:

Surprise a Stranger- Just for fun I've been giving a gift of $7 to a stranger on the 7th day of each month (or another day if the 7th doesn't work) with a brief explanation as to why I'm doing it (I'm sure they think I'm crazy). I attach an explanation note to a 5 dollar bill and a 2 dollar bill.

On July 7th, I did a Harley Day-Ride to the ocean and had breakfast in the Back To The Beach Cafe. I had never been there before and when I turned into the parking lot I was a little confused about whether it was cafe parking (which they might validate) or just public parking for access to the beach. There was a guy standing nearby so I asked him if he knew about parking. He was very friendly and helpful. He showed me where I could buy a permit, and when I asked if someone could just take it off my motorcycle and use it themselves, he explained that the permit would have the parking stall number on it which would show that I paid for that stall. When I went to the machine to buy the permit he actually came over and talked me through the routine (I'm sure I could have figured it out, but it was very nice of him to help). Later, after breakfast, and having no other interesting experience with a stranger, I thought that the guy from the parking lot would be the best choice for my $7 gift. I looked around for him, actually found him in the cafe, and asked him if I could tell a short story and give him a gift. As with all the "giftees" before him, he wasn't sure what I was talking about but was willing to listen. After telling him about my Year 77 and giving him the $7 gift, he was very interested and we talked for a while. Eventually I asked who he was. His name is Fred Deni and it turned out that he is the owner of the cafe. Fred and the $7 gift/note are in the photos below.

Click Photo to Enlarge - Use Arrows for Next Photo

Trump - I apologize for this paragraph. I never intended to bring politics into my blogs, but this is a last minute decision. Trump was President during my entire Year 77. During a president's term in office there is always debate about current activities, decisions, policies, etc., but a more accurate view of the performance of our U.S. Presidents is always judged with the benefit hindsight (as it should be). Current decisions affecting the country, and the world, do not take effect immediately. The unconventional reign of President Trump and his administration will be written in the history books and we will only know then how things worked out. For the sake of our country I truly hope the results are positive. Personal characteristics, on the other hand, can be judged currently. Trump's current campaign speeches (recently in Montana) and his daily tweets, give a pretty accurate reading of the person he is. I don't believe he can honestly be held up as an example of a person to emulate - to our children, or to anyone for that matter. In my humble opinion, he is an extreme narcissist, a racist, a bully, a sexual abuser, a liar, and uninformed on economic policy. I'm just sayin'.


Although I won't be writing blogs in the future, I'll continue fun activities with family and friends. Bonnie and I will be driving to Utah on July 12th for a Hadfield Family Reunion, and a week later we'll attend my 60th High School Reunion. While in Utah we'll visit with our many Utah friends, my sister Julie and her family, and Bonnie's brother Clyde and his family.

On August 9th I'll ride back to Utah on the Harley to meet the boys (Covert, Ted and Jon C) to go on our Annual Summer Scooter Ride. Our plan is for a six-day, five-night ride up through Idaho, staying in Ketchum, Salmon, Missoula, Riggins, and back to Ketchum. This will be the 25th year of the Annual Summer Scooter Ride.



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