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"I believe every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another."

~ Thomas Jefferson

"One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time."

"Volunteers don't get paid -

not because they're worthless,

but because they're priceless."

~ Sherry Anderson

Included in my Updated Bucket List for Year 77 is an item to sign up for some volunteer activities so I can give back to my community.

Bonnie & I have lived and raised our family in Monrovia since 1970. I have thought about, and talked about, volunteering in a way to give back to the community for many years. Unfortunately, I have always been too selfish with my time to follow through and give help in areas where I know I could have been of value. I have usually found that a volunteer assignment would conflict with my ability to go on a ski trip, a motorcycle trip, a visit to family and friends in Utah, etc. etc. so I kept deferring action in that regard.

Now that my YEAR 77 activities are done, I will no longer let perceived conflicts prevent me from volunteering my services. I have walked, ran and hiked the trails in Monrovia Canyon Park and the Clamshell Trail for many years. I've seen the Park Service employees working on the trails and appreciated their efforts as I used the trails. Now I want to do the same for others, clearing the trails of growth, repairing ruts and slides from rain storms, etc. I have contacted the staff at the Park and have begun the application process for a position on their trail maintenance crew.

I will also be contacting the City of Monrovia and the Methodist Hospital of Southern California (located in nearby Arcadia) to review volunteer positions they may have.

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