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"I hate it when I see an old person,

and then I realize we went to school together."

"I exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing."

~Marsha Doble

"My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life.

I think he was right. I feel ten years older already."

~Milton Berle

"Instead of calling my bathroom the 'John' I call it the 'Jim'. That way it sounds better when I say, 'I go to the Jim first thing every morning."


"Those who think they have no time for healthy living,

will sooner or later have to find time for illness."


My Original Bucket List included goals to stay in good enough shape to continue doing my favorite activities at least until I'm in my 80s. These activities included Running, Bicycling, River Trips, Hiking, Skiing, and Harley Riding. Since this blog is a Personal Journal that I will surely look back on in subsequent years, I thought I would summarize my current exercise and diet routines for my later review. I hope it's not too boring for other readers of this blog.

I have a detailed Mission Statement that is more specific than most people would be interested in reviewing. I review and assess performance against the Mission Statement on my Birthday Harley Day-Rides in July each year. A more simplified approach, and acceptable to more people, is this 4-part program:

(1) Adopt a regular exercise program and a balanced diet

(2) Follow the Golden Rule in all human relationships

(3) Maintain a positive mental attitude

(4) Never, ever, look in a mirror.

My exercise routine during my Year 77 has been almost the same as in prior years except for decreasing intensity as I've gotten older. When I'm not traveling I go to the gym three days each week and run or walk three days each week. In past years, in addition to other exercises, I ran on the treadmill while at the gym, and ran (not walked) the other three days. During the last few years I leave the gym after my workout and go for a walk on the trails instead of running on the treadmill, and I alternate running and walking/hiking on the "non-gym" days. On the seventh day I go to church, which in my case is a Harley ride to enjoy the serenity of the mountains or the ocean, have breakfast, and read the paper. Not necessarily considered part of an exercise program, but I do deep breathing and meditation each morning. Regarding number (4) above, it's much easier to maintain a positive attitude if you don't monitor the physical impact of the aging process by watching it in the mirror.

My eating routine is mainly that Bonnie prepares the meals and I eat whatever she provides (with no complaints). Fortunately for me she is a good cook (although she doesn't like to do it) and is almost a vegetarian. I usually have fruit for breakfast and Bonnie makes us a really good salad everyday for lunch. Dinner varies, but is always healthy. When it's my turn to cook I bring "take-out" home, or we go out to a restaurant. Fortunately, these days there are restaurants that have healthy items on their menu. Wine is part of dinner and I aim for a limit of seven glasses per week.

Regarding the Gym Workouts: I belong to the "24-Hour Fitness" gym in Monrovia. I have a routine that involves working on the mats for stretching and back exercises, then various machines for the lower body, and a different set for the upper body. Rather than use the treadmills these days I usually go outside and run or walk on a favorite trail. It's a fairly typical gym as you can see from the photos below. They have stair machines (helps get the quads ready for skiing), treadmills, stationary cycles, about every other machine you can think of, and a weight room.

Click Photo to Enlarge - Use Arrows for Next Photo

Regarding Running/Walking: I stopped running on asphalt roads several years ago and now use trails in the hope it will be easier on my old joints. Three of my favorite places to run and walk are shown below.

The first two photos show the Sawpit Wash Trail, along a wash that flows from the Sawpit Dam in Monrovia Canyon Park. The next two show the Canyon Park "Entrance Trail." There are also a number of trails within the park where you can walk, run or hike. The two photos in the third row are of the Clamshell Trail, which is in the foothills within the Monrovia Hillside Wilderness Preserve. Each of these trails offer a welcoming environment to exercise.

Click Photo to Enlarge - Use Arrows for Next Photo

I know I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and I enjoy the freedom I have to do what I like - and I like what I do. My plan is to continue to follow the 4-part program referenced above in future years. Hopefully this will keep me healthy and happy.

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