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Happy Birthday to these friends and family members:

Note: This is a serial blog - it will be updated and republished each month with current month's birthdays added and previously published birthdays moved to the bottom.

"At least you're not as old as you will be next year."

"Birthdays are good for you.

The more you have, the longer you live."


Linda Haberle

Bonnie Hadfield

Jon Fulkerson

Pam Hadfield

Susan Olsen

Alice Motes

Grant Phillips

Christian Stueve

Dee Hadfield


I've always felt that birthdays are a fun day and a day that friends should remember. Over the years I have tried to call or send a card to friends and family members on their birthday as a way of recognizing this important day. As I've grown older I have, in jest, said that my philosophy for a happy and long life was to choose a healthy diet, adopt a regular exercise program, and never, ever, look in the mirror. The photo below is of Willie Nelson on his 84th birthday. I'm sure he's had many fun birthdays and has obviously lived a long life. I don't know if he has ever looked in the mirror, but he might consider not allowing his photograph to be put in national newspapers as this one was.



"You should live everyday like it's your birthday."

~ Paris Hilton


Karma Hedge

Jim Haberle

Uncle Max Hadfield

Gary Naeve

Sean Daly

Heather Hadfield Daly

Jarrett Anderson

Robyn Bratton


"The older you get, the better you get,

unless you're a banana."

~ Betty White


Dee Christiansen

Curran Daly

Steve Hunt

Don Russ

Art White

Dennie Christensen

Marilyn Perry

Warren Preston

Espi Bagwell

Chuck Tolson

Gary Drage

Bill Bates


"The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once."

~ E. Joseph Cossman


Maridee Fulkerson

Quentin Gaylord Covert

Jim Rowberry

Amy Covert-Wright


"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?"

~ Satchel Paige


Tracy Clair Hadfield

Dale Hadfield

Donna Boyle

Jon Covert


"You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake."

~ Bob Hope


Aunt Marie Hadfield

Dixie Wilson

Art Harriman


"It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said,

"Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand,

you'll find one at the end of your arm."

~ Sam Levenson


Paul "Walt" Murray

Julie Hadfield Rowberry

Jack Christiansen

Linda Fonnesbeck

Harry Terrill


"I remember when the candle shop burned down.

Everyone stood around singing "Happy Birthday."

~ Steven Wright


Nadean Cassell

Jenny Hadfield Stueve

Mike Stueve


"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

~Jack Benny


Matthew Stueve

Bekah Stueve Horn

Beverly "Bevie" Murray

Judy Hadfield Sorenson

Griffin Daly


"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age."

~ Lucille Ball


Mike Neuberger

Diane Finch Phillips

Chad Fonnesbeck

Ted Wilson

Dottie Berntson

Paul R. Dart


"Do not regret growing older - it's a privilege denied to many."


Barbara Covert

Neil Painter

Meghan Daly

Alan Berntson



Alison Christensen

Clyde R. Hicken

Lesly Juber

Bonny Hicken

Kelly Olsen

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