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As has been typical in recent years, a bunch of us gathered in Mesquite to celebrate the New Year's Holiday. There were several different arrival and departure schedules. Bonnie and I drove to Logan before the New Year's weekend to attend Dennie Christensen's mother's funeral. We had a good visit while in Logan with Dennie and Alison, Dennie's father and siblings, Julie & Jim, and Fred & Connie. We arrived in Mesquite the evening of December 29, 2018 and returned to Monrovia on January 3, 2019, staying at the Highland Estates Condo Hotel. Others attending this year were Quent & Barbara, Linda & Chad, Grant & Finch, and Walt & Bev.

Photos below: The first photo is New Year's Eve dinner at Hugo's with our standard Toilet Seat Hat created by Linda back in 1986 for Official Zonk Wear. We always celebrate Linda's birthday on New Year's Eve, and in the last photo she is opening one of her birthday cards.

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Activities were mostly visiting and meals at some of our local favorites in Mesquite. Probably the most exciting activity was had by those who played bingo at the Virgin River Casino. Linda has a wonderful home on one of the golf courses where most of the visiting took place.

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