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This was the 45th Annual Park City Ski Trip. Attendance for the last few years has been John & Ruth Ann Berg, Don & Debbie Russ, David Gayl, Tim Murphy, Jim Newman, Art White, and myself. This group stays at the Snow Flower Condo Complex at the Park City Resort, and Gary & Nel Drage, who live in Park City, join us for all the activities. Unfortunately, Ruth Ann was unable to attend this year due to an ankle injury.

We have made a habit of going on this trip during the Sundance Film Festival held each year in late January. This is because, although the town is absolutely packed during the Festival, the people are there to watch movies and the ski hills have modest crowds during this time.

Our routine has been the same for quite a few years. We ski Wednesday through Saturday, and spend some time in the hot tub after skiing each day. We gather at the Drage's home for wine and hors d'oeuvres on the first night, eat meals prepared by Chef Dave and Chef Don at our condo on the 2nd and 3rd nights, and splurge at the Deer Valley Seafood Buffet on Saturday night.

Most of the group heads for home on Sunday, while Art, Gary and I usually drive to Logan to ski Beaver Mountain for a couple of days. This year, due to bad weather, only Art & I made the drive to Logan, and we only skied one day.

The photo below is this year's group at Deer Valley Resort waiting to be seated for the Seafood Buffet feast.

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