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The 2019 Mini-Zonk was held in the San Gabriel Valley, California, on March 22nd through March 26th. Zonks attending some, or all of the activities, were Quent & Barbara, Linda, Walt & Bev, Susan, Art & Connie, Al & Dottie, and Ron & Bonnie. Unable to attend the activities this year were Jon & Maridee, Grant & Finch, and Ted & Dixie.

Below are a few photos from Friday night at our home where we watched the USU Aggies play the Washington Huskies in the first round on the NCAA Tournament. Unfortunately, the Aggies lost, but we had a lot of fun visiting and watching the game.

Photos in first row: From left - Jenny, Bonnie and Tera (Curran's girl friend) on the sofa; the guy with no head is our grandson Curran - we closed the blinds, but obviously the sun still hit my camera and fouled up the photo. Heather is to the right of Curran, and Tracy is the last on the right; Next photo is Barbara and Linda watching the basketball game; Last is Bev, Walt and Covert, also watching the game.

Photos in second row: From left - Connie, Bev, Walt, Art, and Covert; next is Griffin, Connie, Bev, Heather, Art, and Bonnie; Last is Linda and Walt.

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Saturday was Nathan Olsen and Sheila Collins' wedding at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary church in Pasadena, and their wedding reception at the San Gabriel Country Club. Everything was extremely well-done - very impressive and enjoyable.

Photos is first row: The First Dance near the Club patio; next is Kelly's sons Joe & Jack entertaining during the cocktail hour.

Photos in the second row: A few of the Zonk's who were placed at the table nearest the bar during dinner; next are Nathan and Sheila giving after dinner thanks and remarks.

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Activities that had been planned for Sunday included a visit to the Santa Anita Race Track for one of our favorite turkey sandwiches and a few bets on the ponies. Unfortunately, they have had a large number of horses injured during the last several months while training and racing, and the track was closed on Sunday. Although we couldn't attend the track, we were able to go to dinner that evening at The Derby, an up-scale Arcadia restaurant with a history of attendance by jockeys, horse owners and race fans.

Activities on Monday included a train ride to, and lunch at, Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles. Those of us leaving from the Monrovia Train Station demonstrated our lack of train travel knowledge by taking 30 minutes and missing 2 trains figuring out how to buy our tickets.

Photos in first row: Meeting at Union Station across the street from Olvera Street - Al, Dottie, Bonnie, Susan, Barbara and Covert; next, the girls shopping; last, the boys shopping.

Photos in second row: The group resting before the trek back home - first Ron, Bonnie and Susan; next Dottie, Connie, Linda and Al; last is the group at a machine at the Monrovia train station trying to understand how to pay to get out of the parking garage. A similar problem as trying to buy the tickets to ride downtown.

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Activities for Tuesday included a ride into the local mountains, including a visit to the Mt Baldy Ski Resort after having lunch at the Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant.

Photos below are of lunch at the Lodge and Covert going Moose hunting.

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All in all we had a fun Mini-Zonk and wish more people could have joined us for a visit.

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